lunes, 29 de septiembre de 2014



"We think that it is boring to look all the same."

"The same and different"
We have been working in pairs and looking at: the same and different.
. We are children.
. We have got two eyes, two ears, one mouth and one nose,...
. We go to school.
.We have got hair.

. Some of us are boys and some are girls.
.Some children have got: brown eyes, green eyes, blue eyes,...
.Some children have got: brown hair, blonde hair, red hair.
.Some children wear glasses.
.Some children have got freckles.

"It's Ok to Be Different"
"The Hueys in ....It Wasn't Me!"
                     Title: "The Hueys in IT WASN'T ME"
Writer: Oliver Jeffers
Illustrator: Oliver Jeffers
The Hueys predict your next argument....WARNED YOUR FRIENDS!! 
We  predict our next arguments, like the Hueys. These are some examples: 
"I think my next argument will be about games. My dear friends... be warned!!"
"I think my next argument will be about the football pitch."
"I think my next argument will be about birthday cards."
"I think my next argument will be about who is the best singer in the world."
"I think that my next argument will be about my pencil. Who has got my pencil?"
Author and illustrator: Oliver Jeffers
 We love "Lost and Foud"!!

Primer Ciclo: "Lost and Found"

domingo, 28 de septiembre de 2014

miércoles, 24 de septiembre de 2014

El cuerpo humano /The Human Body

El cuerpo humano

El cuerpo humano se divide en: cabeza, tronco y extremidades. Las extremidades superiores son los brazos y las inferiores son las piernas.
El aparato locomotor


The human body
The human body is divided into: head, torso and limbs.

What is inside your body?

Inside the human body.
 Bones and Muscles

lunes, 22 de septiembre de 2014

Bienvenido otoño...


Sh, Sh, Stop that Noise!!

    Sh! Sh! Stop that noise!
           Sh! Sh! Stop that noise!
            Sh! Sh! Stop that noise!
                                                    Jazz Chants for Children

Good bye Summer!!